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uM-FPU V3.1 Documentation and Software
Application Notes

uM-FPU V2 Documentation and Software
Application Notes

PICBASIC PRO The uM-FPU V3.1 floating point coprocessor is easily interfaced with Microchip Technology PIC® microcontrollers, and programmed using the PICBASIC PRO™ compiler from microEngineering Labs, to provide support for 32-bit floating point and 32-bit long integer operations. The uM-FPU V3.1 chip supports both SPI and I2C connections.

See the microEngineering Labs website for information regarding the PICBASIC PRO compiler.

uM-FPU V3.1

uM-FPU V3.1 Datasheet
Functional description and hardware specifications.
uM-FPU V3.1 Instruction Set
Detailed descriptions for each instruction.
Using uM-FPU V3.1 with the PICBASIC PRO compiler
Reference guide for using uM-FPU V3.1 chip with the PICBASIC PRO compiler.
372 KB PDF Oct 12, 2007
See Application Notes for descriptions and sample programs that show how to use the uM-FPU chips in various applications.
Support Software for PICBASIC PRO compiler
Interface routines and sample code for using the PICBASIC PRO compiler with the uM-FPU V3.1 chip.
36 KB ZIP Oct 12, 2007
See the uM-FPU V3 IDE for a description of the uM-FPU V3 Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The uM-FPU V3 IDE provides an expression compiler, debugger and function programmer to assist in developing and debugging code for the uM-FPU floating point coprocessor.

uM-FPU V2 photo
uM-FPU V2 Datasheet
Functional description and hardware specifications.
560 KB PDF Jun 21, 2005
uM-FPU V2 Instruction Set
Detailed descriptions for each instruction.
644 KB PDF Aug 16, 2006
Using uM-FPU V2 and the PicBasic Pro Compiler
Reference guide for using uM-FPU V2 and the PIicBasic Pro Compiler.
244 KB PDF Jan 11, 2005
See Application Notes for descriptions and sample programs that show how to use the uM-FPU in various applications.
PicBasic Pro Support Software for uM-FPU V2
Interface routines for the BASIC Stamp.
36 KB ZIP Jan 11, 2005
See the uM-FPU V2 IDE for a description of the uM-FPU V2 Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The uM-FPU V2 IDE provides an expression compiler, debugger and function programmer to assist in developing and debugging code for the uM-FPU floating point coprocessor.

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