The uM-FPU V3 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides a set of easy-to-use tools for developing applications using the uM-FPU V3 floating point coprocessor. The IDE runs on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 and provides support for compiling, debugging, and programming the uM-FPU V3 floating point coprocessor.
built-in code editor for entering symbol definitions and math expressions
compiler generates code customized to the selected microcontroller
pre-defined code generators included for most microcontrollers
target description files can be defined by the user for customized code generation
compiler code and assembler code can be mixed to support all uM-FPU V3 instructions
output code can be copied to the microcontroller program
instruction tracing
contents of all FPU registers can be displayed in various formats
breakpoints and single-step executionv
conditional breakpoints using auto-step capability
symbol definitions from compiler used by instruction trace and register display
numeric conversion tool for 32-bit floating point and integer values
Programming Flash Memory
built-in programmer for storing user-defined functions in Flash memory
memory map display for Flash memory and EEPROM memory
graphic interface for setting parameter bytes stored in Flash
support for setting alternate clock speeds
Software |
uM-FPU V3 IDE release 332
Installer for uM-FPU V3 IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Includes software and documentation.
6.3 MB |
Mar 21, 2012 |
Release Notes
Release notes for uM-FPU V3 IDE release 332.
66 KB |
Mar 21, 2012 |
Documentation |
uM-FPU V3 IDE User Manual
Documentation for using the uM-FPU V3 IDE. Includes tutorials and reference guides.
1.8 MB |
Dec 19, 2011 |
Revision History |
Release 332 - Mar 21, 2012 |
Removed LEFT/RIGHT instructions that were automatically added to functions that return values.
Bug Fixes
floating point constants were generating incorrect code in compiler
fixed problem with incorrect optimization of reg=reg expressions
fixed code generation for INV(Š) function in compiler
fixed syntax error if blank line follows SELECT control statement in compiler
Release 331 - Dec 19, 2011 |
New Features
added support for manually typing debug commands in the Serial I/O window.
system target files are now installed with the IDE software
system target files are loaded from the following folder:
~\Program Files\Micromega\uM-FPU V3 IDE rxxx\Target Files
(where rxxx is the IDE software revision number)
user target files are now loaded from the following folder:
My Documents\Micromega\Target Files
added procedure call for DEVIO using same symbols as #ASM
when Find or Replace menu item is selected, the focus moves to the Find field
Tools>Add Target FolderŠ menu item has been removed
Tools>Add Target FileŠ menu item has been removed
Tools>Remove Target File menu item has been removed
optimized the code generated for many common expressions
in #ASM, added name of label to undefined label error message
added support for DWRITE and DREAD
Bug Fixes
in #ASM, LWRITE0, LWRITE, LWRITEA, and #LONG where not accepting negative numbers
in #ASM, strings were not being handled properly for SEROUT,1 and SEROUT,5
float variables were generating code for writeLong instead of writeFloatv
corrected definition of INC symbol for SETIND instruction
archive of uM-FPU V3 IDE release 331
Release 330 beta 1 - Aug 10, 2010 |
New Features
new compiler
expanded list of basic operators
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo
** Power
| Bitwise-OR
^ Bitwise-XOR
& Bitwise-AND
<< Shift left
>> Shift right
~ Ones complement
+ Unary plus
- Unary minus
operator precedence
~ + -
* / %
+ -
<< >>
Control statements
User-defined functions can have up to nine parameters
User-defined functions can return a value
User-defined functions can be included in math expressions
Expanded set of functions and procedures
Math Functions
ADC Functions
Serial Input/Output
String Functions
Timer Functions
Matrix Functions
EEPROM Functions
External Input / Output
Miscellaneous Functions
Debug Functions
Release 328 - May 5, 2010 |
updated documentation with table of contents
added icon to IDE application
added support for double-click on .fpu documents to open application
added support for drag and drop of .fpu documents to shortcut
installer associates .fpu files with uM-FPU V3 IDE application
an asterisk is appended to the file name in the window tab if changes have been made and not saved
added Comment/Uncomment menu item added to File menu to comment/uncomment a block of source lines
when a file is opened, the window is now positioned to the start of the file.
fixed problem with JMP instruction that could occur when more than 255 symbols were defined.
fixed code for special characters in strings for Basic Stamp, PICAXE, Pic Basic Pro
fixed a problem with fpu_wait instructions being incorrectly added in the middle of the EEWRITE instruction by #EEFUNCTION
fpu_wait is now inserted before and after EEWRITE instruction generated by #EEFUNCTION
added check to ensure that EEPROM functions are restricted to 252 instruction bytes (including RET at end of function)
fixed @function_name and @n function calls
fixed incorrect syntax error message that occurred in functions with multiple arguments and nested parenthesis
moved Javelin code generation to target description file
fixed Javelin code generated for floating point input variables
fixed Javelin code generated for #Print_String
moved SX/B code generation to target description file
fixed SX/B code generation to add missing Fpu_StartWrite calls
fixed SX/B code generated for #Print_FpuString
moved ARMbasic 6 code generation to target description file
last write statement now occurs before #endasm comment
target description fIle BYTE_DEFINITION command can have as argument to suppress definitions
target description fIle LONG_DEFINITION command can have as argument to suppress definitions
target description fIle FLOAT_DEFINITION command can have as argument to suppress definitions
fixed auto-insertion of fpu_wait between every 256 instruction bytes for all targets
at least one space or tab is always output for {tn} tab parameter
fixed check for error message if function already defined
enable Remove Source button in Output Window after compile and disable after used
Read Registers button and menu item now update string display
string display fixed to handle non-printable characters
MOP operation code now displayed in trace
string display cleared on reset
instructions with a string argument now show the zero-terminator in trace
SETOUT now displays command byte as hexadecimal value in trace
LREADBYTE now displays decimal value in trace
Auto-Step string condition checks existing string when Step button is pressed
changed dialog title and status line for Show Flash Memory dialog
fixed error message if function data exceeds function memory
fixed display of last row of data in Show Flash Memory dialog
set initial folder for Add Target File... dialog to Target Folder in the application directory
changed menu item from Show 32-bit Number Converter to Show Number Converter
added Set Clock Speed... dialog to set the clock speed of uM-FPU V3.1 chip
changed order of decimal and hexadecimal buttons in Number Converter
the Match case option was fixed for find and replace
in Find Dialog search conditions are now changed to From cursor after a successful find
the Find menu items and dialog are only active for Source File Window
load Find field with current text selection if length is 1 to 20 characters
when Find/Replace menu item used, leave input window active to show current selection
added menu item to display uM-FPU V3 IDE User Manual document
added menu item to display uM-FPU V3.1 Instruction Set document
added menu item to display uM-FPU V3.1 Datasheet document
added link to Micromega Website
added link in Application Notes
added live link to website in About Window
added OK button to About Window
archive of uM-FPU V3 IDE release 328
Release 2 beta 6 - Jun 27, 2008 |
added symbol names for registers and functions to Debug trace
implemented Find and Replace for Input panel
added Auto Step capability
added Auto Step Conditions (conditional breakpoints)
added #EEFUNCTION and EEFUNC to define EEPROM functions
added EEPROM memory map
Debug panel is activated on {BREAK}
changed name of Trace window to Serial I/O
added line wrap (at 80 characters) to Serial I/O window
restricted the size of the debug and trace display buffers
improved the display processing for debug trace
increased the row width in register display
added Compiling... message to status
added keyboard equivalents for Go/Stop/Step/Auto Step
added clear button to register display and trace window
changed FUNC % to allocate upwards from last function defined
added Remove Source button to Output window
changed memory function error to display number of bytes over limit
fixed display of infinity in debug registers
fixed hang when debug disabled in set parameters and SPI mode
fixed bug if first file in recent files list no longer exists
Release 2 beta 5 - Dec 11, 2007 |
added 32-bit Hex/Float/Decimal numeric conversion tool
added File/Open Recent command with submenu of 10 most recent files
File/Open dialog now defaults to the Folder containing the most recent file
moved string display to debug window
added status byte display to debug window
switch to input window on File/New and File/Open
clear previous debug symbols on File/New and File/Open
switch to output window when Compile button is pressed and compile has no errors
fixed bug in beta 4 that caused register expressions to be treated as constants
fixed #PRINT_xxx directives for all targets
fixed code generation problem with SEROUT, 1, "text"
added READ_FLOAT, WRITE_FLOAT, WRITE_FLOAT_FORMAT commands to target file
optimized the code generation for reg = reg and reg = constant
fixed value range check for LONGBYTE, LONGUBYTE instructions
fixed value range check for LONGWORD, LONGUWORD instructions
removed built-in PICmicro target, added target file for PIC MPASM
moved File/Copy Target File command to Tools/Add Target File
added Tools/Add Target Folder command
added Tools/Remove Target File command
Release 2 beta 4 - Oct 3, 2007 |
changed opcode prefix from F to F_ for PicBasic Pro reserved words
fixed assembler instructions to allow register names where applicable
Release 2 beta 3- Aug 23, 2007 |
changed TAB_LENGTH to TAB_SPACE in target description file
if TAB_SPACE is positive, then only space characters are used
if TAB_SPACE is negative, then tab and space characters are used
default settings for string window added to preferences file
tab support added to all lines in the target description file
additional error checking added for target description files
Release 2 (beta 2) - Aug 13, 2007 |
fixed COPYI assembler
added FCNV function
Release 2 (beta 1) - Jul 10, 2007 |
added code generator for user-defined target description files
added Show String Buffer command to Debug menu
changed preferences to create/use ~\Application Data\Micromega folder
moved trace file to ~\Application Data\Micromega folder
fixed temporary file code to handle multiple copies
changed temportary file name
fixed title on New/Stored Function code boxes
fixed handling of blank source lines
Release 1.3 - Jun 1, 2007 |
added support for new uM-FPU V3.1 opcodes and MOP operations
fixed code for expressions with output variable
added ARMbasic support
fixed problem with second argument of two argument functions
changed target name uM-FPU Functions to uM-FPU Assembler
added Auto_Start options to Set Parameters dialog (for uM-FPU V3.1)
fixed maximum size of function code (2044 bytes)
Memory Map dialog window can now be expanded
added code to load port list
added optional trace code
added names for MOP operation codes to assembler
added support for mix of bytes and strings for assembler string instructions
added support for non-printing characters in strings: hex \00 to \1F, \" and \\
assembler now recognizes register and constant keywords
instruction trace displays a colon before return values (instead of comma)
Release 1.2 - Nov 2, 2006 |
supported targets: uM-FPU, BASIC Stamp, Javelin, SX/B, PICAXE, PicBasic Pro, PICmicro
fixed code generation for FCALL, FNEG, LNEG
added code generation for SX microcontrollers using SX/B
added code generation for PICmicro
fixed problem with PICAXE negative byte values
fixed problem with Javelin variable definitions
improved code generation for register 0 assignments
improved code generation for variable assignments
Release 1.1 - Oct 19, 2006 |
supported targets: uM-FPU, BASIC Stamp, Javelin, PICAXE, PicBasic Pro
fixed several issues related to display of temporary registers
added support for FFT opcode
fixed problem with long constants and long immediate values
added error check for variables inside functions
other targets still in development or testing
Release 1.0 - Aug 25, 2006 |
supported targets: uM-FPU, BASIC Stamp, Javelin, PicBasic Pro