uM-FPU64 Floating Point Coprocessor |
The uM-FPU64 extends Micromega's family of coprocessors to provide support for IEEE 754 compatible 64-bit and 32-bit floating point and integer calculations, expanded digital I/O and analog input capabilities, and support for local peripheral devices. The uM-FPU64 can be interfaced to a wide range of popular microcontrollers to provide extensive floating point capabilities, and optionally control a subsystem of local peripherals. It can also be configured as a stand-alone microcontroller for embedded applications.
The uM-FPU64 is compatible with the instruction set of Micromega's popular uM-FPU V3.1 32-bit floating point coprocessor. Advanced instructions are provided for fast data transfer, matrix operations, FFT calculations, serial input/output, NMEA sentence parsing, string handling, digital input/output, analog input, and control of local devices.
I2C or SPI compatible interface. Operates from 3.3V supply, with 5V tolerant pins.
Available in 28-pin DIP, SOIC-28 or TQFP-44 packages.
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Price: $19.95 USD
uM-FPU64 28-pin Breakout Board |
The uM-FPU64 28-pin breakout board provides for convenient mounting and access to all uM-FPU64 pins. It provides support for SPI and I2C connections, breakout connectors and other options. Serial connector is compatible with the SparkFun FDTI Basic Breakout - 3.3V and Parallax Prop Plug USB to serial adapters.
Price: $2.95 USD
uM-FPU V3.1 Floating Point Coprocessor |
Provides support for 32-bit IEEE 754 compatible floating point and integer calculations, digital output, and analog input. Advanced operations include matrix operations, FFT, string handling and EEPROM storage.
I2C or SPI compatible interface. Operates from 2.7V, 3.3V or 5V supply.
Available in 18-pin DIP, SOIC-18 or QFN44 packages.
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Price: $19.95 USD
uM-PWM1 Servo Coprocessor |
The uM-PWM1 chip is designed to work with pulse-width modulated signals used for remote control servo applications. It provides up to 8 input channels for monitoring pulse widths and 8 output channels for producing pulse width modulated (PWM) signals at either 50 Hz or a selectable frequency from 10 to 450 Hz. It can be interfaced with a microcontroller using an I2C or serial data interface.
Operates from 5V supply.
Available in 28-pin DIP or SOIC-28 packages.
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Price: $19.95 USD
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uM-FPU V2 Floating Point Coprocessor |
Provides support for 32-bit IEEE 754 compatible floating point and 32-bit long integer calculations.
I2C or SPI compatible interface. Operates from 5V supply.
Available in 8-pin DIP or SSOP-20 packages.
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Suggested Retail Price: $14.95 USD
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